Trewirgie Junior School

Our Topic for the Spring Term 2025 is....

'How was Britain shaped by invasion and settlers?


So, how was Britain shaped by invasion and settlers…

This term, Year 4 will explore one of the most extended periods in British history, encompassing the Stone Age to Iron Age, Roman invasion, and the Anglo-Saxon and Viking eras in Britain. During the spring term the children will be investigating and learning about one of the longest British periods in history. The essential question this term is ‘Who Invade Britain?’. Throughout the term they will be learning about the most formative period in British history, when Britain experienced several waves of invasion, including Stone Age, Celtic, Roman, Anglo Saxon and Viking.  Key to this learning will be the development of their History skills in which they will learn to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence and develop their own perspective of how Britain was affected and changed during this time.


Each aspect of their learning will be building towards a legacy outcome, in which the children will be creating, designing and hosting a history fayre all about these great periods in history.  Each classroom will be converted into a different era, in which parents, children and visitors can come and experience life at this time.

This History Fayre will be informed by the milestones the children will achieve throughout the term.  These will include; creating Anglo Saxon stories, performing Viking songs, designing and making clay pots and understanding the technological advancement that these settlers bought to Britain.



Home Learning 

Every three weeks the children will be introduced to a new home learning challenge. These will be shared with you on Class DoJo. Each question will have a range of suggestions as to how they can share their understanding of each. They can select any way of demonstrating their understanding.


Across the term we hope that your child is curious enough to extend and deepen their learning and understanding further. Every three weeks certificates are awarded for work that shows innovation, creativity, depth of learning or original thinking.  


Please share any of their work on Class DoJo or bring into school with them. 

How to stay safe online for children Parent guide to online safety End of year expectations RWM
Welcome to the Year 4 team

          Miss. Jones

         Year Group Lead

      & Class teacher 4J

Music lead 


Miss Mancini

Curriculum Lead

Class teacher 4M

Computing lead


              Miss May

           Class teacher 4L

DT lead

If you have any concerns about your child's learning or wellbeing please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance. You can contact them at the end of the school day, by messaging them on class DoJo, or contacting the school office.  Please note that this Class DoJo is not checked after 5pm, weekends or during the school holidays.



"Make a difference, have an impact, leave a legacy"
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