SEND explained
SEND stands for Special Educational Need or Disability.
As a school we focus on the needs of the child rather than just a diagnosis. We believe it is important to ask the question, ‘What does an individual need in order to thrive whilst being at school?’ as opposed to asking ‘What approaches should dyslexic children follow?’
All SEND is a combination of 4 main areas of needs. These are cognition and learning, sensory or physical needs, communication and interaction needs and social emotional mental health need. As you can see from the diagram below, a child’s needs can overlap. The diagram below explains the different needs of SEND children.
We know that there is a close corelation between childhood traumatic experiences and SEND. Both have an impact on a child’s lived experience and understanding of the world. At Trewirgie Junior School we are vigilant in ensuring we focus on the needs of the child. Through the use of our Trauma Informed School practitioners, Emotionally Available adults (EAAs), the Wellbeing Team and Restorative Justice Programme, all teachers work together with parents to identify the needs of the child.
At Trewirgie Juniors we understand that behaviour is a form of communication. We recognise that there may be things going on, that manifest themselves as behaviours. Equally, we understand that, at times, childhood traumatic experiences can manifest themselves as SEN. |
Below are some useful links to support SEND
A day in the life of a child with hypersensitivity – (Heightened sensory)
The graduated response This is the steps we take to ensure we are meeting the needs of all children. It talks about what provisions we have as part of our daily diet for all children and then how we increase the level of support and guidance offered if children’s needs still aren’t being met. Each section is split into the four needs of SEND
Links to request a nerodiversitypathway.