Trewirgie Junior School

School ClubS 

At Trewirgie we offer a wide range of extra curricular opportunities for our children.  All children have the right to set up and join clubs (Article 15 UNCRC)This richness allowed children develop new skills, make new friends and extend their interests and hobbies. Many of our clubs are offered at lunchtime which enables  greater accessibility for children. In addition to these we also offer a range of after school clubs. Below are a small sample of what is on offer. 

Various water sports clubs

happen throughout the year.

Football club



Gardening club

Art club

 If your child is interested in any of the lunchtime clubs they can just turn up on the day. If they would like to attend an after school club you can register an interest by emailing  or by writing in with your child's name, class, the club they wish to attend and that you give consent.  Numbers are limited.


Please note, if your child joins any after school club it is important that we are given your current mobile number. In the event any club has to be cancelled at short notice, a text message will be sent. Please notify the school office of any changes to your mobile number or if you cannot be reached by mobile number so alternative arrangements can be made.





School contact details


Tel: 01209 215238


"Make a difference, have an impact, leave a legacy"
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