Trewirgie Junior School is a 3 form entry junior school which has children between the ages of 7 and 11 on role.
We encourage parents and future pupils to visit our school prior to applying. This can be done by contacting the school office via email: or calling 01209 215238 to make an appointment.
Please look around our site and use the school prospectus to find out more about us.
To apply for a place at Trewirgie Junior School you must complete an application form available from Cornwall Council. You can click on the link below to be able to complete an online application |
If you do not have access to this page or would prefer a paper application form you can contact Cornwall Council Admissions team on 0300 1234 101 and request a paper copy. If your child is under the age of 7 please visit Trewirgie Infant School. |
Appeals -
Any appeals should be made in writing to the:
Chair of Governors (Mr Phil Jones)
c/o Trewirgie Junior School, Falmouth Road, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 2QN
We use Cornwall Council appeals process. For further information and the appeals timetable please click here.
Admissions policy 2025-2026 (click here)
Admissions policy 2024-2025 (click here)
Admissions policy 2023-2024 (click here)
Admissions policy 2022-2023 (click here)
Admissions policy 2021-2022 (click here)
Admissions Policy 2020.2021 (click here)
Map of Catchment Area (click here)